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Which Brands Are Winning Gold? A Look at Viewer Attention During the Winter Olympics So Far

As we reach the halfway point of the 2018 Winter Olympics, TV[R]EV has partnered with — the TV ad measurement company with attention and conversion data from more than seven million smart TVs — to see which brands have captured the most viewer attention during NBC’s telecasts of the Games thus far.  The graphic below shows brands that have racked up a minimum of 200 million TV ad impressions during the Winter Olympics and have also achieved an impressive iSpot Attention Index. At this point in the Games, McDonald’s, Universal Pictures, Coca-Cola, Dunkin’ Donuts and Visa have the most impressive 100+ scores. An iSpot Attention Index over 100 indicates brands with ads that are less likely to be interrupted than average (for example, an iSpot Attention Index of 120 is 20% less like to be interrupted). Interruptions include changing the channel, pulling up the guide, fast-forwarding or turning off the TV.Very honorable mentions go to the following brands, which fall below the reach of the heaviest hitters (i.e., as of this writing their TV ad impression counts during the Winter Olympics falls below our 200 million threshold), but they’re commanding impressive attention for the viewers they are in front of: Rock Tape, the kinesiology sports tape (Index: 180, meaning its ads are 80% less likely to be interrupted), as well as Jameson Irish Whiskey (179), IBM Cloud (178) and Omega (178).That said, in general it’s often easier for ads with lower total impression counts to achieve higher iSpot Attention Indices, simply because viewers are less likely to turn away from ads that they haven’t seen yet (or haven’t seen too often).When it comes to specific commercials that are keeping eyes glued to the screen, “Close Claws” from Farmers Insurance and Rock Tape’s “Pain Stops Here” (featuring pro skier Sierra Quitiquit taking the gold medal) are big winners, with respective iSpot Attention Indices of 183 and 180.