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How MyBundle.TV Lets Consumers Create Their Own Bundles

In our newest Thought Leaders Circle video, CEO Jason Cohen explains exactly how MyBundle.TV works with broadband providers and content providers to create turnkey bundles for consumers that help create stickiness by giving them a TV package that meets their needs while exceeding their expectations.

JASON COHEN: What’s really interesting is the MVPD has no interest themselves in being the bill. There's the $200, $250 combined bill, but they’re a lot happier to have a $60 Internet bill, because then no one thinks about them. But they know that the consumer wants a bundled type service.

And so, today we've done our first integration and we have a bunch of others in process actually right now. But our first integration was with Sling. So you can actually go and buy Sling directly from MyBundle. Which means MyBundle is actually the place where consumers will be able to bundle services. Now today it's Sling. As we add more integrations directly with the streaming services, it opens up some pretty cool things.

Not only does it allow consumers to buy streaming services and keep track of them in one place, but we're actually building that bundle that everybody wants, that a la carte bundle. Even more specifically is that if I'm a streaming service, the nice thing here is instead of having to come up with the hundreds of combinations of, "okay, guys, let's get together and build bundles”, which is a nightmare, right—like how is that going to happen?

But the idea of having a central player to do that is actually the reason why aggregators and marketplaces exist and every other industry under the sun.

The bonus of MyBundle is that as we build out our broadband partner relationships, and we're now up to 126 partners with another 17 on the way and many more in the pipeline beyond that, But if you're a streaming service and you plug in once into MyBundle, you're getting access right away.

You don’t have to do hundreds or thousands of integrations, you don't even have to do two. Even for the guys that have millions of customers, it doesn't make sense. But doing one integration with, by the way, a technology company, not a telecom company, is a lot easier.

So we'll be probably their smoothest, fastest integration that billing authentication integration that we do there. And to throw even one more better thing on there, we built a system called Streaming Rewards where we know that these broadband providers want to give away streaming services to their customers.

How do they even start to think about doing that? So we're enabling that through this system of Streaming Rewards that we built. There's a lot of really cool applications from giving away a free year of a service for signing up for a gig, or when you upgrade or in selling a bundle of broadband and streaming credits, with MyBundle being the streaming credit on that streaming bill. We're able to offload a lot of that work from the broadband provider itself, bringing value again to all sides of the marketplace.