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Madhive’s Kristin Wnuk On Local In The Programmatic Marketplace

In the fourth episode of “Why Advertising Is Shifting to Local,” we sit down with Kristin Wnuk, SVP of Sales at Madhive, to discuss Madhive’s approach to the programmatic marketplace and how effective targeting and real-time optimization capabilities are fueling the shift to local.

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Alan Wolk: Can you tell me your name, title, and who you work for? 

Kristin Wnuk: My name is Kristin Wnuk. I am the SVP of Sales at Madhive, and I have been in this position for about two years now.

Alan Wolk: What does Madhive do? 

Kristin Wnuk: Madhive is a full-stack advertising platform that specializes in local advertising and CTV (Connected TV). We approach the programmatic marketplace differently by starting with CTV from a zip code perspective, which allows us to effectively cover the entire country.

Alan Wolk: Why is local advertising becoming more important for national brands? 

Kristin Wnuk: Local advertising is growing because budgets are shifting, and national brands are looking at local markets differently. We have excellent targeting capabilities, whether from a geo perspective or through data companies, which makes local advertising highly effective. National brands, SMBs (small and medium-sized businesses), and regional brands all see the value in focusing on local advertising.

Alan Wolk: What are the advantages for brands focusing on local advertising first?

Kristin Wnuk: The main advantage is efficacy. Brands can pinpoint where they can move the needle and optimize in real-time. The targeting and measurement available today are better than ever, making it an exciting yet complex time for advertisers.

Alan Wolk: What challenges come with this shift to local advertising?

Kristin Wnuk: With change comes challenges. Determining the gold standard for targeting and defining KPIs can be confusing with more options available. While traditional metrics like reach and frequency are still important, there are now many other KPIs and measurement opportunities to consider.

Alan Wolk: Is real-time measurement something you offer, and how important is it? 

Kristin Wnuk: Yes, our platform allows brands and advertisers to understand their performance and KPIs in real-time. This capability is crucial for local advertisers who need to know if their campaigns are moving the needle.

Alan Wolk: How does the increase in local focus affect supply and inventory for CTV? 

Kristin Wnuk: CTV inventory is becoming democratized. National brands can now access local content, and vice versa. This shift allows national brands to adopt local measurement practices, which have always been outcome-based.

Alan Wolk: Can you provide an example of outcome-based measurement in local advertising? 

Kristin Wnuk: Sure, in the past, if a local car dealer wasn't selling cars, their marketing budget would be adjusted. Similarly, if a local restaurant wasn’t attracting customers, they would shift their marketing strategy. I recall working with a local furniture retailer who correlated the number of rating points bought to the number of couches sold. Local advertising has always been about outcomes, and now national brands are adopting this approach.

Transcript edited for brevity and clarity.