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VIZIO Case Study Credits CTV Ads For A CPG Brand’s Double-Digit Sales Lift

VIZIO continues to put out fascinating new case studies showing how brands are using CTV and other smart TV ad innovations to reach their audience in today’s fragmented age, as well as the success they’ve achieved doing so. 

The latest features a sweets/confectionary company in the CPG category that credits CTV ads with an overall sales lift of 15.4%. It did so using two very different targeting strategies. One was a very broadly cast net designed to maximize reach, and the other focused in more specifically on VIZIO cord-cutting viewers designed to generate incremental growth outside of linear. 

Doing so achieved several interesting results. Top among them was penetration, reaching new buyers that hadn’t interacted with the company in the 12 months prior to the campaign (which accounted for nearly half of the overall sales lift). 

These new buyers fell into one of two camps — those new to the brand but had previously been candy customers of other brands, and those entirely new to both the brand and the candy category.

The former highlights an interesting opportunity for brands to convert their competitors' customers (competitive prospecting). The other is far more difficult, but is equally important, in that it allows brands to reach customers who haven’t established loyalty to any brand yet. 

“CTV has long been a channel to drive upper funnel metrics for advertisers, but the development of performance tools in streaming has now also become a reality for many brands,” said Adam Bergman, Group Vice President of Advertising and Data Sales at VIZIO. “When you combine the sight, sound, and motion of TV with the targeting capabilities of streaming, you can drive both top-of-funnel awareness KPIs and bottom-of-funnel sales lift. And we have seen strong results not just for CPG, but for all the big TV ad vertical spenders such as auto, insurance, and QSR.”

To see more of this and other VIZIO case studies, visit the VIZIO Platform+ blog and download the full report.