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LinkedIN Launched Native Video. This a Good Thing?

LinkedIN enabled native video in some accounts yesterday.  Business Insider is calling it a possible revelation. Also, people are excited about analytics. As LinkedIN is still the best platform for pure B2B, this is great news, right?What sucks between the lines is that LinkedIN will now be in the autoplay, sound off game. Which means they too will muddy the concept of a view and further complicate ROI metrics for companies speaking to other companies and people. And it perpetuates the problem. "Hey if Facebook and Twitter can get away with a view from a quick  thumb-scroll, so can we!"It's probably only a matter of time before LinkedIN starts to offer live-- at which time the seminar-palooza and live video as commerce may kick up a notch. How long before we have pay-per-view? And does this mean the business network with a small blow hard problem will be invaded by blow-even-harders? That would suck too. The folks at LinkedIN are surely considering these perils and presumably have an algorithm to handle it. But it's a risk, so why take it? They must smell coin and see opportunity-- for duration, for retention and to unlock audience investment in rich media for their platform.We know from our people at Facebook that it has put some muscle behind live video with businesses and especially multi-nationals. It works for trainings and everyday corporate comms. We see stories of Facebook placing some juice behind private groups and we have to wonder-- while both the social platforms angle to be TV-like for those TV-like impressions-- are they also pursuing a path that is not TV-like per se, but perhaps more valuable with scale? (Engaged affinity groups come as a premium).It's not all bad though. It's awesome that LinkedIN can help TV networks target brand managers and Facebook can help networks find people who watch the shows. Now in different ways, each are laying the groundwork for monetizing engaged (semi-private) groups with relevant (video) information.It's worth noting that major brands like Adidas, Nike, REI and others are already leveraging (live) video to speak to consumers and internally to speak with its sales force and employees using a safe environment provided and produced by Brandlive. The brands now leverage the social networks to promote what they are doing on their owned and operated properties. And while the numbers on FB may be higher -- the time spent and the engagement levels on the owned properties are way better.  It's not clear how LinkedIN will play in that dynamic to help brands train or sell better than they can do directly with their own resources--but it doesn't take much to imagine what happens now that video will be natively integrated.Curious what you think, is this good or not? Hit up let us know.