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AI, Personalization Poised to Power TV Advertising's Future

Personalized content is the engine that runs the internet at this point, and more and more companies get on board with more customized experiences every day. AI is helping that push, no matter the screen, as the video content -- stories, ads -- is now more tailored to the user than ever before. For publishers and advertisers looking to differentiate, it's become a no-brainer to embrace the machines and get more intelligent about targeting.Your full rundown of video personalization happenings are below. See anything else we need to know about? Let us know.AI Could Save Television Advertising With Advanced Personalization [VentureBeat]Thanks to more advanced methods of data collection, AI allows advertisers to tailor their content more effectively to relevant demographics through what’s called “programmatic TV advertising.” This advertising channel is set to be largely impacted by AI in coming years. The ad technology has been around on online platforms for a while and is now taking over the small screen. With this relatively new tactic and advanced AI capabilities, television advertisers can reach a whole new level of personalization in their attempts to reach viewers.Artificial Intelligence Will be the Key to Maximizing Publisher ROI [Forbes]From a publisher's perspective, this holds the promise of significantly increasing yield optimization in real time to improve ROI. By harnessing AI, we’re now able to see which types of campaigns yield the best returns, rather than blindly relying on hit-or-miss tactics that drain budgets… AI-driven campaigns can use machine learning to calculate a campaign’s probability of success based on millions of data points. It can evaluate what happened, why it happened and what might happen next in campaigns.Video is Now the Biggest Ad Format: Are Millennials Shifting Trends Again? [HuffPost]Video has taken up position as the leader of digital advertising, but the causes for its rise to power also suggest that staying there won’t be easy. Driven by demand from consumers for convenient access to engaging content and the need for unobtrusive ads, the popularity of video is dependent on marketers consistently delivering value with their content. Video advertising will continue to grow on the premise that publishers maintain their adoption of the format.AI Seconds That Emotion [MediaPost]More than ever, marketers need to understand how to best leverage video for their brands -- and AI is playing an important role in that task. Multiple studies have shown that advertising geared toward stimulating an emotional response is significantly more effective than value-driven advertising, which is why many brand marketers have gotten religious about creating video content that moves people to smile, laugh, cry or be surprised.Nielsen Will Use Gracenote’s Smart TV Data for Ad Targeting [TechCrunch]Gracenote may be best known for providing metadata to music services like iTunes and Spotify, but it has also developed what it calls Video Automatic Content Recognition technology, which is currently embedded in 27 million smart TVs. This allows Gracenote to analyze the video image and determine what you’re watching in real time.AI Myth Busters: AI Will Usher in an Extreme Era of Personalization [Forbes]All of These Faces are Fake Celebrities Spawned by AI [The Verge]How Gallery Furniture Used AI to Boost Digital Sales More Than $270,000 [Digiday]AI is Changing Marketing as We Know It, And That’s a Good Thing [Forbes]A Publisher’s Journey to Data Collection: Adopting Netflix’s Approach [MarTechSeries]Video Marketing a Strategy, Not a Tactic [MediaPost]