The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
Is This the New Look of Tune-In Advertising?
Tune-in advertising faces new demands and challenges every day, and mobile creative ads might be one solution in a crowded content space.
#InspiredBy: Solving The Mobile Creative Crisis, Tricks Of The Trade
The Modern Marketing Summit has grown to include over 600 brands, agencies, and media companies, all discussing cutting edge techniques to reach consumers while delivering interactive user experiences.At last week’s gathering in Chicago, I hosted a panel along with Cameron Friedlander, the Global Head of Media and Marketing Technology at Kimberly Clark. During, several key topics continued to rise to the surface.
Padsquad’s Vvital Launch Capitalizes on Vertical Video for Mobile Web
On Wednesday, mobile rich media creative firm PadSquad announced its new vertical video offering, Vvital, for advertisers.
MVPDs Hold On Tight While TV Re-targeters Hope to Avoid Pitfalls of AdTech
Everyone’s in TV for the [R]EVenue, and that’s what we’ll be covering each week in this Wednesday newsletter.