Hot List: Stuffed with TVREV Originals
"Most people think that time is going faster and we're doing less. But really time seems to be going faster because we're cramming so much into it." ~ Neil Young
As we enter the home stretch of 2024; so many of us stuff the calendar with a blend of year end/year ahead goal crunching and a dose of merry mixing. Some are charging hard into the next 15 business days while some are punting even harder.
Whether you’re ready to shake off the tired Turkey legs and sharpen your sword for the final acts of 2024, or you’re taking a more productive procrastination approach to what remains, TVREV is here to help.
This week’s newsletter is stuffed with originals covering the back half of November, which by all measures has been a doozy.
For cable TV, winter isn’t just coming, it’s starting to freeze over. But for TV as a medium? The hotness of tech, OS wars and programmatic experiences are just going to keep getting more interesting.
To wit, ahead of our special report on context this week, Alan Wolk curated some executive hot takes on what context means to the TV business.
And if you’re looking for commercial signals on the ad market this holiday season, keep a look out for fresh statistics from measurement and marketing leaders on The Measure which has exclusive insights across TV, digital and social.
"If future generations are to remember us more with gratitude than with sorrow, we must achieve more than just the miracles of technology. We must also leave them a glimpse of the world as God really made it, not just as it looked when we got through with it." ~ Lyndon B. Johnson