The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
Ad Networks Come For Your Digital Wallet
Chase Bank and PayPal’s entry into the ad business raises privacy concerns amid the broader push for data protection.
The Digital Ad Market's Seemingly Endless Inertia
Despite shifts in the digital ad industry, with emerging players like Walmart and Roku, industry giants Google, Facebook, and Amazon continue to dominate, raising questions about a possibly Triopoly.
OpenAP’s Brittany Slattery Discusses The Future Of Data Privacy In Advertising
OpenAP’s CMO Brittany Slattery shares its position on the future of data privacy in video advertising, and how building privacy-centric infrastructure will benefit buyers, sellers, publishers and consumers across the board.
Hot List: Privacy, Transparency and Truth
This week’s TVREV highlights, and more news across the industry.
What Is Qonsent And What Problems Is It Solving?
Qonsent’s Jesse Redniss discusses why data privacy is such a huge concern and what his company is doing to make things right.
Hot List: Challah-Day Season Is Here
This week’s TVREV highlights, and more news across the industry.
Largest Privacy Study To Date Reveals Stark Consumer Concerns
The largest data privacy study to date (over 45K respondents) from Publishers Clearing House and Evan Shapiro reveals that Americans have a surprisingly complicated relationship with their personal data. Free download at TVREV.
Hot Takes: How Should The TV Industry Protect Consumer Privacy?
Our TVREV Thought Leaders Circle members weigh in on why consumer privacy is so important and what steps the TV industry needs to take to ensure that it is respected.
Sephora Settlement Underlines TV Privacy Concerns, Dongles Are Dying But The Hybrid Ecosystem Is Here To Stay
Why data privacy is about to become even more important to TV advertisers and what a new Vizio survey tells us about cord cutting and the importance of the TV OS.