The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
CIMM City 2024. The State Of TV Advertising
Our newest Thought Leaders Circle video series, featuring Michele Stone (Paramount), Mikey Garcia (Wurl), Field Garthwaite (IRIS TV), Drew Kane (Mediaocan) and Travis Scoles (Paramount)
Cannes Lions: Navigating The CTV Revolution With AI And Video-Level Contextual Data, Part 1
Part 1 of a a wrap-up of IRIS TV’s big splash at Cannes Lions this year and why contextual targeting is red hot. Bonus: new Explain It To A Teenager video
Hot Takes: Our Thought Leader Circle Members’ Predictions For 2024
2024 predictions from TVREV’s always insightful Thought Leaders Circle members.
How The IRIS_ID Is Helping To Solve TV's Metadata Problem
IRIS.TV CEO Field Garthwaite explains the thinking behind the IRIS_ID and the critical problems that it is helping to solve for.
How Can Streaming Content Get Organized? Field Garthwaite, Founder and CEO of IRIS.TV Explains it to a Teenager
Field Garthwaite of IRIS.TV explains the IRIS ID to Rio
How The IRIS_ID Enables Contextual Targeting On Streaming
Q&A with IRIS.TV CEO Field Garthwaite on the value of contextual targeting on streaming for targeting, transparency and measurement.
Hot Takes 2023: Some Bold Predictions From Our Members
2023 Predictions from the top executives in TVREV’s Thought Leaders Circle.
Hot Takes: How Should The TV Industry Protect Consumer Privacy?
Our TVREV Thought Leaders Circle members weigh in on why consumer privacy is so important and what steps the TV industry needs to take to ensure that it is respected.