The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
ID5, And How The Cookie Crumbles
Mike Shields digs into the new cookie-less “solution”, ID5.
Royal Wedding: Maximizing Audience Engagement from a Live-Streamed, Tentpole Event
IRIS.TV helped publisher partners get the most out of the Royal Wedding by optimizing the abilities of new and existing video inventory.
Publishers Look to Twitter in Wake of Facebook News Feed Changes
Facebook's News Feed changes have major effects on the publishing industry. Some companies seem to be flocking to Twitter as a result.
Mobile ad budgets set to rise, but marketers need proper tools
Forrester's recent study shows that nearly 75 percent of marketers are diving head-first into mobile for 2018, but less than half have the right tools.
The Brands Are Alright (with Surrendering Their Digital Ad Business?)
Despite evidence that Facebook (and Google) can't really control their algorithms anymore, some brands are still happy to hand over their business. Why?
Visuals (Like Video) Get More People Reading (Watching) the News
Rounding up the week in mobile advertising and digital ads, there are now even more compelling reasons to use visuals for your news.