The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
In 2024, the Shift to Streaming Only Continued
This year, the share of smart TVs that solely streamed content hit 61% — a notable increase across the last few years, according to Inscape’s latest analysis.
From First-Season Glow To Follow-Up Fade: The Hidden Dynamics Of Streaming Hits
Brandon Katz lays out the right programming strategies streamers can use to keep viewers hooked after the initial hype cycle has died down.
The Future Of The Open Internet Is…Streaming?, Nielsen Is Measuring FASTs
Why are the TTD’s “Top 100 Sites On The Open Internet” mostly streaming TV and how exactly does Nielsen plan to measure one specific FAST channel? We have questions. And answers.
Why Are Streamers Sleeping On The Kids' Content Niche?
While demand for kids content remains high, supply is surprisingly low. Brandon Katz looks at what’s behind the imbalance.
Reboots And Reruns: Streaming’s Search For Sitcom Success
Sitcoms have long been broadcast TV’s strongest product. But streaming services struggle to retain viewers from season to season. Brandon Katz looks at why.
At Netflix, A Few Hits Subsidize Many Misses
New research from Parrot Analytics shows how at Netflix, a handful of hits are what’s paying for all those misses.
Streaming TV: The Sweet Spot for Ad Buyers
OrkaTV’s Jonathan Moffie explains why streaming TV is the best option for ad buyers who want to keep up with audience changes while maintaining the value of linear.
Our Newest Report Explains Why Streaming Is Local TV's New Frontier
NEW! Alan Wolk, Tim Hanlon and Evan Shapiro look at how local TV is thriving and surviving in the streaming era. Includes consumer research study and future predictions.
Nielsen’s Gauge Is All About The Others, Cable News Is The New Twitter
All about The Gauge’s “Other” category and why nomenclature matters + the vested interest print journos have in cable news.
How Ad Tech Is Like A Roomba
OrkaTV’s Jonathan Moffie explains why automation can sometimes make things more complicated, especially when it comes to buying streaming TV.
Subscription Fatigue: Reshaping The Future Of Streaming With In-Show Monetization
Kerv’s Gary MIttman explores how AI-driven commerce integration can serve as the cure for shrinking streaming margins.
Netflix App Downloads Drop, Streaming Has The Backend Backwards
Netflix needs more aggressive PR to get out in front of troubles real and imagined while streamers need to fix backend payments to creatives before they flee for greener pastures.
Let’s Make A Deal: Should Platforms Sell That Sweet, Sweet Data, And Other Pressing Questions
Data, and metadata, were supposed to change the TV industry. But as the industry moves online, its constituents are finding problems everywhere with data, from ad targeting to search and recommendation, to just getting useful data from partners. One idea, buy back the data distributors collect about your shows. At least then it’s a negotiation, not a hostage situation.
Why The “Streaming Is Dead” Meme Isn’t True, Alternative Currencies Get A Further Boost
A rant on why streaming is still very much alive and some excellent news about the future of TV measurement via VIZIO, Nielsen and iSpot.
Book Excerpt: The Birth Of Streaming, Circa 1993
This exclusive excerpt from “Binge Times”, Dade Hayes and Dawn Chmielewski’s new book about the rush to catch up with Netflix looks at one of the earliest attempts at streaming back in 1993.
Nielsen Gets Bought, CNN+ Launches, But Only On Amazon and Apple
How the sale of Nielsen will affect the TV measurement industry and what to make of CNN+’s future prospects.
There’s One Key Number In Samsung’s Streaming Index
Justin Evans explains how one number neatly encapsulates the difference between streaming and linear services in the Samsung Streaming Index
Talking to Your TV Isn’t Crazy Anymore
Using voice commands to control technology has gone from sci-fi to standard procedure in a very short time. Today, 62 percent of Americans say they regularly use it with at least one device. The most common place voice is used is with apps on smartphones. Voice control is not an emerging technology; it’s mainstream and as close as your pocket or purse.